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Keep it tightly focused: If ever there was a place for succinct focus and clear messaging, this is it. As a virtual presenter, you're fighting a format that invites distractions. Don't give your audience any additional reason to tune out, such as taking your time getting to your points. Organize your presentation with the key findings or takeaways up front. That way, you won't keep your audience guessing as to what's in it for them. Don't make your audience work: No one wants to read along with your presentation. That's true whether you're delivering a presentation in person or virtually, but it's especially irritating to a remote audience. Clean out the text and show your audience your key points with visuals where possible. It'll help your audience keep pace with you and avoid losing interest. Pay attention to voice AND appearance: Your voice inflection, pacing and tone is crucial in connecting with your virtual audience, particularly when your a...